Sunday, October 10, 2010


This is Princess. I got in contact with her on Model Mayhem and we have done three shoots together. All three were in a park north of Lancaster, Pa.

The second shoot was interesting. I got there early and was checking out places to shoot and I did something foolish, It had started to rain and I got into my car to wait the rain out, I was watching the radar on my phone and saw it would pass before she arrived, no big deal. The foolishness came about when I popped the trunk and got out of the car to check to see which tripod I had brought. When I went to get back into the car, after I had closed the trunk I realized I had locked the keys in the car.

This was a problem.

All sorts of ideas ran through my mind as to how i was going to get into my car. Break one of the little windows by the rear door? No, a broken window in a car in my neighborhood was a sure way for something bad to happen. As I was walking around to find something to try to jimmy the door I did have a near run in with a family of skunks living behind some plywood leaning against a wall.

Needless to say I did manage to get into my car, after she had arrived of course.

The pictures above are of the second and third shoots, June 24th and October 10th, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kristen March 27, 2010

Kutztown University, March 27, 2010

It was a good shoot. It was a bit on the chilly side and windy, but it went well. I could tell the cold was getting to her a little, but she didn't want to quit. We walked around the University for almost two hours, and we got some really good shots.