Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What is going on?

2015 is shaping up to have a good start, sort of.
My "Photo-A-Day" project is coming along very well. Started it December 1st 2014. Had hoped to wait until January 1st 2015, but couldn't wait and started early. It is a silly project that has kept me occupied.
Here is the Facebook page for it
Facebook Photo-A-Day

If you are not on Facebook there are other places to find it.
Blogger Page

Other news is the photo shoot for January 10th. I am getting a hotel room for the shoot and invited models to shoot. The primary purpose is to finally get some male models into my portfolio, and it looks as if that will happen. But I invited some female models to break up the testosterone. It is going to be interesting and hopefully get some great photos!

Personal news, my car. It is old, a 2000 Hyundai Elentra, and it has been at the mechanic for 9 days as of today. Right off the bat they ran into problems. They plugged in the emmissions computer and it read nothing at all. At first they thought it might have been a bad ECU (Engine Control Unit) an expensive part to replace. But it appears, hopefully, that it is broken wires instead. The problem is they have been closed most of the time the car has been there. So my car sits. There are other things wrong with it, probably either a bad bearing or axle on the front drivers side. So I have no idea how much this is going to wind up costing.

Which leads me to the next event.
I sold the last of my Warhammer 40K figures, as well as the cases, books, dice, everything.
$600 for the lot. 2 Shadowsword super heavies, Grey Knights and figures from the Dark Vengeance box set.

That money goes to whatever it is going to cost for my car.

On the employment front, it has been a little better. My weekday team job is on hold for a while, I have been covering hardware, which has more than doubled the hours I am getting.

Anyway, that is it for me. Hope everyone has a happy, drunken and safe New Years!!
Hoping 2015 is a good one, but we will see!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

January 10 2015 Photo Shoot

It looks like it is going to happen, much to my surprise!
Plans do not seem to go right when I make them. This has been true for quite a few years now.

I have lined up a diverse group to work with. Most are men, which is the real purpose of this after all. It is going to be interesting, but I have lots of ideas of what I want, so see how it goes.

Fingers Crossed!